What can you bring from Tunisia as a souvenir?


What is better to bring from Tunisia as a souvenir to remember the rest by the sea and as a gift for family and friends? Let's take a look at the prices for souvenirs and what you can buy from cosmetics, things, textiles and more.

What to buy in Tunisia as a souvenir?

The most popular goods for export from Tunisia among tourists, which are often taken out of the country after a vacation:

  • hit of sales - magnets (prices from $ 0.5),
  • local souvenirs,
  • handmade carpets,
  • hookahs,
  • branded clothing (at local prices, not entirely cheap compared to what is sold in stores in your city),
  • porcelain and earthenware,
  • leather items and everyday attributes,
  • spices for the preparation of traditional cuisine,
  • coffee,
  • goods made of gold and silver.

It is better to buy gifts and souvenirs in Tunisia on the last days of your vacation, I recommend taking a closer look at the bazaars for small purchases and shops (especially the General chain of stores). How much money is required? For $ 10, you can buy a few packs of Tunisian coffee, tea, local olive oil and some Chinese souvenirs at the bazaar. As for the rest of the goods and prices, about them below.

Where to buy souvenirs?

It is better and cheaper to buy souvenirs for memory at local markets (bazaars) or souvenir shops on the outskirts, the farther from the sea the market, the fewer tourists, which means that when trading, you can save a lot and bring down the price. Local sellers always make concessions, if you buy several products at the same time and at the same time give your smile, then you are guaranteed discounts.

Having visited Tunisia, you will certainly want to take with you a piece of this amazing eastern country. Arabic songs, flavors spices and noisy merchants create the original atmosphere of city bazaars, offering a wide selection of souvenirs for every taste, in such an atmosphere you can spend at least half a day. Now let's move on specifically to the question "what souvenirs to bring from Tunisia?" and consider a few points that you must definitely bring to yourself as a souvenir, as a gift to family and friends.

We buy expensive things only in specialized stores, we take alcohol in supermarkets. We forget about shops in hotels right away, you will not find more expensive goods anywhere. If you decide to buy souvenirs and goods for your family right away, we head for the General store chain (opening hours: 9-19). We buy cheap souvenirs (magnets, beads and other Chinese products) at bazaars far from the sea.

What is better to bring from Tunisia?

I gave the main list of things and other goods above, choose. What would I like to recommend you to bring in the first place from your vacation? Let's take a look at what you can bring from Tunisia.

Home decorations and household items

In Kairouan, you can buy famous carpets that are still hand-woven by local craftswomen. They are presented in several varieties: woolen and silk, traditional with a pattern and plain Berber. Natural dyes are used in the production of carpets, thanks to which the products practically do not fade and will delight you for many years.

If you decide to buy a carpet, then you should buy it only in Kairun, at prices you will save 20-30 percent compared to tourist bazaars for holidaymakers.

What you need to know when buying a carpet in Kairun? Necessarily we require a quality certificate... We look at the back of the product, there there should be a stamp... How much does the carpet cost? At the bazaar, a handmade carpet measuring 1m by 2.5m will cost 150-350 dollars, large sizes can reach up to 1,500 thousand dollars.

Tunisia is famous for its unusually colorful porcelain and clay ceramics, which are made by the city's artisan workshops. Nabe... Here you will find countless hand-painted pottery items:

  • decorative dishes,
  • jugs,
  • vases,
  • candlesticks,
  • figurines,
  • pots for flowers.

The dishes covered with an outlandish Tunisian ornament are highly durable and durable. In Nabele you can buy real masterpieces of pottery at manufacturer's prices.

Prices for porcelain tea mugs from $ 2, clay plates from $ 3, a handmade tea gift set as a tourist souvenir or a gift to your family will cost you from $ 35.

In Tunisia, high-quality kitchen utensils are made from copper: coffee pots, trays, teapots, Turks... The dishes are minted only by hand, giving them an exclusive look.

Also on sale you will find fishnet birdcages, which are woven by local craftsmen from white wire and are traditionally decorated with blue beads.

Leather products

Leather goods and products as a gift or souvenir from Tunisia are bought well, here I do not recommend that you look for low prices and go to shops where there is a quality certificate. Prices for leather in Tunisia: a leather bag will cost you $ 35-60, a wallet $ 15-45, belts and other attributes can be bought at bazaars.

Bring cosmetics?

First of all, you should pay attention to products containing tfal - marine volcanic clay. Thanks to the active minerals it contains, it has excellent cleansing properties. You can purchase a variety of tefali-based skin and hair care products:

  • shampoos and balms;
  • face and hair masks;
  • body scrubs.

Natural oils are widely sold for cosmetic purposes. Particular attention should be paid to argan and black cumin oil. They have unique miraculous properties. Cosmetics are sold in Tunisia in large quantities, you can bring everything for every taste, there are huge opportunities for women.

In order to avoid the purchase of fakes, cosmetics are best bought in pharmacies and specialized stores!

Delicious goodies

Those with a sweet tooth will surely love it tunisian dates... They are inexpensive and are available in various varieties. The most valuable of them are with honey-colored skin and translucent flesh, through which you can see the bone.

Fresh fruits appear on sale in October. An oriental delicacy is stored for a long time, so it is perfect as a souvenir.

In traditional markets you will find lots of spices, including saffron - the most expensive spice in the world. You can purchase them in bulk or in packaged sets.

Locals prefer harissa - a pasty mixture of garlic, hot chili peppers, cumin and coriander based on olive oil. It goes well with meat and fish dishes. Spice prices from $ 1.

Be sure to bring a real one from Tunisia arabic coffeewhich is prized for its delicious aroma. Sellers will certainly give a few grains to taste so that you can appreciate its high quality. Prices for coffee in Tunisia from $ 3 per pack.

Be sure to buy honey with nuts, at the local bazaar it will cost you between $ 5 and $ 15.

Exotic souvenirs

Near the Sahara, you can buy a unique "desert rose". It represents crystals, fancifully fused in the form of a flower. This is an amazing work of nature, created from salt, water and sand.

Since Tunisia is located on the African continent, its ethnic flavor is inherent in the country. In local markets, you can find a variety of masks, decorative figurines, totems and clay drums covered with leather.

Get the "hand of Fatima" for good luck - a talisman in the form of a woman's palm, protecting from all troubles and diseases.

By the way, be sure to read the tips that will help you save a lot on self-booking hotels in Tunisia.

Bring alcohol from Tunisia?

You can bring alcohol from Tunisia, but I recommend looking for it in Duty Free, local shops sell everything the same, but more expensive. True connoisseurs of alcoholic souvenirs will find here local drinks that you will not find anywhere else.

For example, date liqueur "Sidrotin"Or analogue"Tibarin"(Fortress 45 degrees), it would be a great idea to bring such a gift to friends as a souvenir from Tunisia.

Duty Free is small and expensive, we go here last, when there is no time or you forgot to buy souvenirs, especially alcoholic beverages.

Do not forget that it is customary to bargain in Tunisian bazaars, and the longer you do it, the more the owners of local shops respect you. The original price of a product can be knocked down quite significantly.

You may be interested in learning about renting a car in Tunisia, so you can see a lot more and go around shopping places.

Choosing souvenirs for yourself and your friends, you will not only have a good time, but also get a charge of positive emotions for the whole day!

Visit the section of our project, which will tell you when it is better to go to Tunisia, how much money to take, advice on choosing beach resorts.
