The main sights of Armenia


We have selected the main sights of Armenia, which are worth seeing when visiting the state of Transcaucasia, it is imperative to get to them under any circumstances. We will consider all the beautiful and interesting places with photos and descriptions, draw up a map of the location of objects, it will help you plan your own route in the guidebook. We advise you to watch the video review and take advantage of excursions with fascinating guides, according to tourists, with a very rich program.

Traveling far abroad turns out to be either extremely expensive, or very far, or too unusual. Key domestic resorts and cities of the Golden Ring, as well as the beaches of Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Egypt, Thailand, become boring over time. However, there is a way out - you need to go to the states of the post-Soviet space. A lot of our compatriots have either never been there at all, or were several decades ago. Therefore, it is advisable to find out what to see in Armenia for a mass domestic vacationer.

The main attractions of Armenia

Orbeli Brothers Museum

  • Address: Tsaghkadzor, Orbeli, 8
  • Mode: Tuesday - Sunday from 10 to 17 hours

The exposition in honor of the brothers was not created by chance. They belonged to a dynasty of Armenian cultural and scientific figures dating back to at least the 12th century. But the brothers themselves did not fail, justified and increased the glory of the generations of their ancestors. So, Ruben Orbeli became one of the founders of underwater archeology, he was engaged in it before the invention of scuba gear. Leon Orbeli was an outstanding researcher of the genetics of higher nervous activity, he also studied the behavior of animals. Moreover, not every even a major specialist in these areas headed the military medical academy, being also the vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences. And Joseph Orbeli achieved tremendous success in the archeology of the medieval period in Transcaucasia.

The house-museum has been one of the key attractions of Armenia since its opening in 1982. The object combines a cultural, educational and scientific function. The collection of exhibits includes books, manuscripts, personal belongings and photographic materials. In addition to the museum staff, relatives and colleagues of the same brothers were involved in its collection.

Tsaghkadzor ski resort

But the Armenian territory can boast not only of citizens with an impressive list of merit. Speaking about the Republic of Armenia and its sights, one cannot ignore the slopes of the mountains surrounding Tsaghkadzor. Nature itself created them as if for skiing. It should be noted that closer to the end of the season, the resort becomes empty. 100% of the slopes are designed for inexperienced skiers, but the pleasure of the descent does not diminish. Vacationers ride not only on the open slope, but also in the middle of the forest. The air is clean and transparent. Food in a local cafe is inexpensive, but it cannot be called varied.

  • One climb - 2000 AMD (100 AMD∼13 rubles)
  • All day - from 10,000 AMD

Attention: you must be prepared for the piercing cold wind.

Jermuk waterfall

The nature of Armenia looks lovely regardless of the season. And Jermuk waterfall confirms this thesis by 200%. In late spring, cold air stagnates around it. The reason is the mountain peaks compressing the gorge, and the transfer of heat by the river affects. Therefore, the visitors of Jermuk waterfall should dress more warmly. But already the road leading to it compensates for all the inconveniences. The smell exuded by plants is incomparable.

The sight favorably reveals the appearance of Armenia in winter. The beauty of the waterfall is preserved even on the coldest days. It only reduces its intensity. An observation deck was placed on one bank, from where a gorgeous view opens. It seems that you can look at landscapes endlessly. Some of the rocks hanging vertically above the observers are worth something. A rocky river and a golden forest complete the experience. The depth of natural splendor is hard to convey in words. Even photos of the sights of Armenia will not show it to the end.

Dilijan National Park

When visiting the park, connoisseurs recommend hiking in the mountains. The smallest thoughtful route will take about 90 minutes. The trail to Parz Lake will take about 5.5 hours. On the way, tourists will pass through forests and mountains, teeming with extraordinary fauna and flora. The marking of the park territory is optimal.

Lake Parz

It is deservedly included in the list of the best sights of Armenia with photos and descriptions. Walking along the lake shore is an extraordinary pleasure. The area is suitable for family visits. Already the passage along the path will fascinate. But in the cafe on the lake, it is advised to be careful. They offer overpriced meals. It is generally not recommended to use the services of taxi drivers. Experts advise to adjoin other tourist groups and organize the arrival, departure together.

Lake Sevan

It is invariably mentioned among the most important sights of Armenia. And such an assessment does not detract from the dignity of other sights of the country. The mountain reservoir is located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level. Its waves are formed by crystal clear water. The bowl of the lake is replenished by 25 rivers. Only the Hrazdan River flows out from there.

Along with its cultural value and significance for the past, Sevan is remarkable for its importance for the supply of water to the surrounding areas. Nature has located at least 4 gorgeous mountain ranges around. A sea of ​​clean air stretches over the lake. The banks are calm and quiet. The visit will not leave indifferent both fans of stormy leisure and connoisseurs of soft harmony. A number of public beaches have been equipped on Lake Sevan, and there are also wild grounds. It is very attractive to enjoy the water surface from the shore.

Goris stone forest

The object is included in the list of the most beautiful places in the Transcaucasian state. The petrified forest is perceived as an enchanting natural monument. People lived in the caves of the complex until the 1960s. Inspection of the rocks is just as enjoyable as a stone forest. The surrounding mountains have become a habitat for various types of forests. Coniferous and deciduous thickets are fancifully combined with stone pyramids.

Old Khndzoresk

The place is suitable for exploring those who like the theme related to caves and old cities. The cave city of Khndzoresk was abandoned. But the impression he leaves will delight even discerning travelers who have seen the original monuments. They get to the old point, going up the steps carved into the rock. Also, a visit to an ancient place allows you to think about the difference in the ways of providing comfort that humanity has invented. A couple of springs with fresh water also give joy. There are other cave cities in the Caucasus, but in Khndzoresk they equipped a 100% restored ancient dwelling.

National Museum of Architecture and Urban Life

  • Address: Gyumri, Hagtanaki, 47

The object is included in the list of places that experts recommend to tourists in Armenia. The reviews say that the monument is unique. It 100% reveals the essence and past development of the city of Gyumri, even for those who are not aware of the peculiarities of this place. Visitors will be offered to take a guide (there are Russian-speaking and English-speaking staff). The museum has a thoroughly equipped courtyard for walking and relaxation.

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Aslamazyan sisters gallery

  • Address: Gyumri, Abovyan, 242

The gallery is suitable both for those who just want to go through and inspect the exposition, and for those who want to get acquainted with the artistic heritage in detail.It is noted that the early works of the artists are saturated with a sea of ​​attractive colors.

Please note: the gallery is not heated during the winter months.

Geghard monastery

This is one of the most beautiful sights of the country, which occupies a site in the Kotayk region, and is subject to the diocese of the same name. The building was sustained in the impeccable style of Armenian architecture. The monastery operates in 2021. It is curious that the name of the complex literally means "spear". The cliffs around the monastery have been declared a World Heritage Site. A lot of khachkars were set up on its territory.

Goshavank Monastery Complex

Another of the most beautiful places in Armenia - and again it is associated with the traditional monastery architecture. The monastery was founded in 1188, and the construction of the main part of its buildings was completed by 1203. The name Goshavank is associated with the name of the founder (Gosha). In different time periods, the monastery also acted as a seminary, university, and so on. You can see the domed hall, a number of churches, book depositories, crypt, cemeteries, khachkars. The restoration of the monument was carried out from 1957 to 1966. In 1972 a historical and architectural museum was organized. The collection includes manuscripts compiled within the walls of the monastery.

Lake Kari

A complete answer to the question of where to go in Armenia and what to see. Literally translated from the local language, the name means "Stone Lake". The water in it is unparalleled cold. The height of the reservoir above sea level is 3.2 kilometers. A gorgeous view of the Ararat valley opens from the shore. Climbers who have equipped a camping base before climbing the mountains willingly rush here.

WHAT TO SEE IN ARMENIA IN 3-5 DAYS, walking route on its own.


  • Address: Yerevan, Mashtots Avenue, 53.

It is a center for the study of old manuscripts. Only a few similar objects abroad are capable of challenging the Matenadaran. Visitors are not allowed into the research institute itself, but it has a public museum. The collection of manuscripts from the 5th century AD was nationalized in 1920. In addition to 17,000 old manuscripts, the institute stores over 100,000 ancient archival texts. They are written in a variety of languages, and not only in the Transcaucasian region. The collection contains over 2,200 more books published before 1800.

Erebuni Fortress Museum

  • Address: Erebuni 38
  • Mode: Tuesday - Sunday from 10 to 15 hours

An excellent answer to the question of what to see in Armenia from the sights. The object was found in 1950 by an archaeological expedition. More precisely, they knew about the ruins themselves 50 years before, just that no one had explored them before. The name Erebuni, according to the found tablet, was given by the Urartian king Argishti I. The foundation of the city dates back to 782 BC. The museum at the excavation site is not bad; it contains only copies of artifacts, but it allows you to take pictures without hindrance.

Garni temple

  • Mode: May-November Tue-Sat 9: 00-22: 00, Sun until 15:30, December-April Tue-Sat 9: 00-17: 30, Sun until 15:30.

What Armenia is famous for is inextricably linked with Christianity. But the more valuable are the remains of the ancient pagan sanctuary of Garni. It was built during the reign of Trdat I. The distance from Yerevan is 28 kilometers. The temple was destroyed by an earthquake in 1679. It was restored from its ruined state already in 1966 - 1976. Garni was originally not a temple, but a fortress, and its location meets the needs of domination over the district. We immediately built an advanced defense system. 100% of the fortifications were built of large bluish basalt stones. The beauty of the surrounding gorge is also amazing. Ionian columns look more attractive due to the verified proportions.

Selim caravanserai

Another answer to the question of what to visit in Armenia at the initial acquaintance with the country. The caravanserai is a legacy of the era when countless caravans followed the Silk Road routes. It was built in the middle of the XIV century. The stormy events of the 15th - 16th centuries destroyed it. Restoration and reconstruction took place between 1956 and 1959. Both people and animals could stay under the roof. The entrance is covered with a stalactite-type ornament.


The object also has another name - Zorats Karer. It is called the Stonehenge of the Transcaucasus. The distance to the capital of the country is 200 kilometers. The city of Sisian is 3 kilometers away. The exact purpose of Karahunj is still controversial. Some experts believe that this is an observatory, others - that this is a cattle corral, and still others are inclined to the hypothesis of a burial complex. But even without knowing the exact origin of the building, it is difficult to avoid the charm of its grace.

Mount Aragats

The highest point of modern Armenia is Mount Aragats, in the western part of the state. Around it is the territory of Aragatsotn, famous for its landscapes and extraordinary sights. What is at least Amberd - "a fortress in the clouds." And Lake Kari-Lich, which can be reached by a simple car, despite its height over 3 kilometers, fascinates.

The height of the highest point (northern peak) is 4093 meters. There are only four peaks, on the slope of one and the previously mentioned lake Kari is located.


This is the name of the Urartian fortified city. It is believed that Teishebaini was founded in the 7th century BC on the initiative of Tsar Rusa II. You need to look for a monument in the outskirts of the capital of Armenia. Excavations on the Karmir Blur hill have been carried out since 1939 for several decades. The decisive set of works was completed by 1958. Excavated over 4,000 square meters of buildings, not counting individual monuments. We also found a number of wine cellars.

In ancient times, the fortress served as a haven during the wars for ordinary people who lived near the building and were engaged in vineyards, cattle breeding, and rural land. The height of the walls reached 8.3 meters.

Tours in Yerevan in Russian

Sights of Armenia on the map

Video review of interesting places in Armenia
